Acupuncture, Alternative, Alternative Medicine, Alternative Therapy, CAM, Complementary, Complementary Medicine, Complementary Therapies, Complementary Therapy, Complementary Therapy, Complimentary, Complimentary Medicine, Complimentary Therapy, Holistic, Hypnotherapy, Integrated Medicine, Integrative Medicine, Massage, Meditation, Nutrition, Reiki, Yoga, acupuncture, alternative medications, complementary care, complementary treatment,
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Distress - The first mental and emotional cause of cancer
How can you live a stress-free life and prevent cancer and other health problems? By learning to manage your cortisol stress hormone levels and by putting the mental/emotional stress in your life in the proper perspective. Once you know how to balance the physical factors of sleep, diet and exercise along with the mental and emotional stresses in your life then you will restore health in your body and mind. This is critical in any alternative cancer treatment.
It is a fact that high stress is a major contributing factor to cancer and many other diseases. The question is how does stress cause cancer? To answer this, one must look at what the stress response does physiologically in the body. Hans Selye, the father of stress research, said there are two types of stress, distress and eustress. Distress is a longer, more damaging response which negatively affects the organs, glands and systems including the immune system. Eustress is a short term beneficial stimulus to the system. If you run up and down the stairs ten times you feel invigorated. Now if you run up and down the stairs one thousand times you are exhausted and totally drained, so eustress is health boosting whereas distress is health depleting. Read more...
Ayurtox for Body Detoxification
Starter Body Cleansing Kit$87.85 Kit Includes: 1 Bottle of Oxy Powder®, 1 bottle of Livatrex™ and 1 bottle of Latero-Flora™. Cleanses: One 7-Day Oxygen Colon Cleanse and One Liver & Gallbladder Cleanse. Takes 12 days to complete both cleanses. Dr. Group's Opinion: Easy to Perform, Minimum Dietary Changes, Cost Effective. |
Oxy-Powder®$42.95 Top Quality Colon Cleansing |
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